Prof. Peter Cox

Prof Peter Cox is currently the Professor of Climate System Dynamics within Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Exeter. He is also the Theme Leader for CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURES. His Research Group forms part of Exeter Climate Systems (XCS).
Prof Peter Cox – Current Research Interests
- Climate-carbon cycle feedbacks
- Dynamic Global Vegetation Modelling
- Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants on Ecosystem Services
- Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation
- Geoengineering
- Climate Tipping Points
- Maximum Entropy Production and the Earth System
Publications and Citations
Working Groups, Committees and Wider Recognition
- Lead-author on Chapter 7 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment report
- Founding member of the Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Intercomparison Project (C4MIP)
- Member of Royal Society Working Group on Ground-level Ozone in the 21st Century
- Highly-cited author in Global Warming Research
- Winner of Royal Met Soc Adrian Gill Award 2007
- Member of Royal Society Working Group on Geoengineering the Climate
Peter Cox RID: B-3299-2012
University of Exeter Most cited publications:
1. Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model
Times Cited: 1112 (Web of Science?)
2. Global response of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function to CO2 and climate change: results from six dynamic global vegetation models
Times Cited: 619 (Web of Science?)
3. Climate-carbon cycle feedback analysis: Results from the C(4)MIP model intercomparison
Times Cited: 596 (Web of Science?)
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